1. Introduction
The us4R-lite™ is a portable ultrasound research system featuring raw RF/IQ data acquisition and a high-speed data interface (Thunderbolt-3 or PCIe). The device provides 256 TX channels and 64 RX channels. Both standard and custom probes can be connected though a set of dedicated probe adapters. A fully programmable TX/RX schemes and a high data bandwidth empower implementation of custom scanning sequences and real-time imaging algorithms. An open software library gives freedom in developing custom imaging algorithms and facilitates GPU-based processing. The device can work as a PC peripheral through Thunderbolt (model RL_2020) or PCIe (models: RL_2021 and RL-2024-PCIe) interface. The us4R-lite™ can be used for R&D in medical imaging and non-destructive testing applications, and well as an educational tool and demonstration platform. us4R-lite™ is a fully programmable ultrasound research scanner featuring:
programmable TX/RX sequences,
programmable TX beam steering and focusing,
programmable RX gain and dynamic time-gain compensation,
acquisition of raw ultrasound RF channel data and high-speed streaming to PC,
API for C++/Python/Matlab.

Fig. 1.1 The us4R-lite™ portable ultrasound platform.
1.1. Intended use
The portable ultrasound research platform (us4R-lite™) is an ultrasonic system intended to be used in an uncontrolled laboratory setting for ultrasound R&D, in particular for real-time implementation of new imaging modalities and algorithms in biomedical and non-destructive testing applications.
The system is not a medical device and is not intended for use on humans. Use on humans requires additional risk analysis and other actions performed by the system user to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory and safety standards.
The device can only be operated by users with a base knowledge of programming and fundamental PC skills. It is essential that users read the full text of the instruction manual before operating the device.
1.2. Interaction of ultrasound
Ultrasonic waves are mechanical waves, which propagate in a medium (such as liquid, gas, solid and biological tissue). The propagation of ultrasonic waves is related to the transport of energy.
1.2.1. Phenomena accompanying the ultrasound wave
The intensity of the ultrasound wave (the maximum pressure value) generated by the us4R-lite™ should not constitute a hazard for test subjects. Nevertheless, it is important to understand how ultrasound interacts with tissues and realize the possible bioeffects caused by mechanical waves.
These bio-effects fall within two categories: mechanical – related to the possibility of cavitation, and thermal – related to the absorption of wave energy by the tissue, which is converted into heat. The amplitude of an ultrasound wave propagating in any absorbing medium, such as a soft tissue, decreases with distance. Damping caused by the absorption and dissipation of the wave leads to energy loss. In the absorption process, part of the energy is converted into heat.
For a detailed examination of ultrasound safety, please consult The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis, 3rd ed., edited by Gail ter Haar.
The user creating a new transmit schema for the us4R-lite™ should always consider the mentioned effects of the ultrasonic wave in a given medium/propagation environment.